Street Dance Sensation

Created by Amanda 18th February 2017 This event has closed


Ellis will be busting some moves and making new friends during a 3 hour Dance-a-thon on Saturday 18th February at Portsmouth Guildhall. The event is organised by The Rowans Hospice, a charity caring for people with life limiting illness and in need of £5m to run each year. Rob spent 3 weeks at the Rowans before Christmas and it became our home from home with sleepovers, including hot chocolate for Ellis. It is a remarkable place and the staff and volunteers are incredible people.


Thank you

3rd March 2017
Huge thank you to everyone who sponsored Ellis, and a special mention to the lovely folk at Blue Dot Printing who not only donated the t-shirt Ellis wore, but on noticing his penchant for Pokémon (how could you not), produced his very own personalised Pokémon sweatshirt!! Thank you. Your sponsorship raised an amazing £493.75 and coupled with the badges Ellis sold at school, the grand total is...... (drum roll please) £551.75 for The Rowans Hospice. Thank you so very much.


3rd March 2017
but still smiling

A very proud Ellis

2nd March 2017
Collecting his medal